Ladybug project

We need more kindness in the world. The goal of the Ladybug Project is to bring joy and positivity through Random Acts of Kindness. To brighten the dark parts of the world with love and light through random acts of kindness.

As the founder of the organization, I’ve had a lot of rainbows in my clouds. People I've encountered have blessed me and altered the course of my life. I'd like to pass on the kindness I've received and give back to my community. Yes, there is darkness in the world, but we can also fill it with LIGHT!

Our love bugs will travel around the world and land on someone to bring them joy. The world needs more kindness. Help us share love and bring joy with small acts of kindness. We will be like a rainbow in someone’s cloud, helping the person who is having a hard time and the person who needs to be reminded of the goodness in life. Our goal is to bless someone and to spread love and light to those who need it, anticipating that it will spread widely.

If you are blessed, you should be a blessing to somebody.